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Musk ile Rubio kabinede atışmış

Amerikan New York Times (NYT) gazetesi, ABD Başkanı Donald Trump’ın kıdemli danışmanı Elon Musk’ın, kabine toplantısında Dışişleri Bakanı Marco Rubio ile tartıştığını iddia etti. Başkan Donald Trump ise iddiayı yalanladı.

Elon Musk ile Marco Rubio Arasındaki Tartışma Devam Ediyor

According to sources speaking to NYT, Musk accused Senator Rubio of not reducing staff numbers by saying “you didn’t fire anyone.” Rubio, on the other hand, stated that Musk was not being honest and asked if the 1,500 people who took early retirement at the Department of State were considered layoffs and if Musk wanted to rehire them in order to make a “firing show” again.

Trump Scolds Reporter

After the argument between the two prolonged in a “disturbing” way, Trump intervened and defended Rubio by saying he had “done a great job.” Trump stated that Rubio had a lot to deal with and traveled constantly, so everyone needed to work together. When asked about the allegation by an NBC reporter, Trump responded, “There is no conflict. I was there too. You are a troublemaker. You shouldn’t be asking this question because we are talking about the World Cup here but both Elon Musk and Marco Rubio are doing a great job. There is no conflict.”